Inspection & Testing
Domestic Electrical Installation Condition Report
An Electrical Installation Condition Report is a detailed test of an electrical installation to insure all parts of the installation are safe to use and are in good working order.
The report is carried out at regular intervals, the recommended time interval for a domestic property is 10 years or change of occupancies.
Our condition report is a full test of the fixed wiring within the property. This will include all relevant earth bonding is in place (Gas & Water), damages to any sockets/switches, the correct consumer unit is in place, correct equipment has been installed. All circuits within the property will be tested with a calibrated multi-meter tester.
The electrical installation condition report is a 5 page document. This will high light any defects/issues with the electrical installation in the property. These are put in priority of importance.
- Code 1 - Danger Present
- Code 2 - Potentially Dangerous
- Code 3 â Improvements recommended
Any faults which fall into codes 1 & 2 will fail the condition report. Code 3 is a recommendation to carry out repairs.
DBM will provide a no obligation quote for all remedial works that are required to take place.
Landlords Inspection & Testing
An Electrical Installation Condition Report is very important in a rented accommodation as it insures the electrical installation is safe to use.
Under The Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 it requires the landlord to ensure the electrical installation is safe and in good working order when the tenancy begins.
An Electrical Installation Condition Report will insure the property complies with this legislation.
DBM can offer a same day attendance to carry out this test and liaise with the landlord/Occupier to arrange a site visit.
We can also provide a discounted rate for multiple tests carried out on the same day.
For more information please feel free to contact us.
Commercial / Industrial Inspection & Testing
As with Domestic Electrical Installation Condition Report we can carry out a Condition Report on Commercial and Industrial premises to insure complete electrical safety of an electrical installation.
A full report will be written up and any faults found will be put in a list of importance.
- Code 1 - Danger Present
- Code 2 - Potentially Dangerous
- Code 3 â Improvements recommended
Any faults which fall into codes 1 & 2 will fail the condition report. Code 3 is a recommendation to carry out repairs.
DBM will provide a no obligation quote for all remedial works that are required to take place.
Visual Electrical Inspection Report
A Visual Electrical Inspection is a survey of a domestic electrical installation It is a quick way of identifying defects, damage or deterioration of the electrical installation and to determine whether it complies with the current BS7671 electrical safety standard.
This type of inspection does not involve any circuit testing. Therefore, on it's own, it can't determine whether the installation is completely safe for continued use.
You may want a Visual Electrical Inspection if you are considering the purchase of a new flat or house. This report can give you a reasonable indication of the state of the electrical installation in the property.
This information may help you make an informed decision on whether to purchase the property at all, whether the electrical system will need repair or upgrading and whether to take that into account when making an offer.
If you are renting a property, a visual inspection report could be used as an interim measure between a formal Electrical Installation Condition Report.
DBM Electrical Services are offering a free visual electrical inspection report to any electrical installation.
We will attend site, carry out the inspection and advise you on any issues that may exist.
To take advantage of this offer, go to our contact us page and provide all of the relevant information.
(Offer is only valid for properties within a 6 mile radius of SO19, a free quotation will be provided for any works that require taking place. Internet offer only. 1 visit per property within a 12month period)